High Stakes Testing
High school student taking notes from book while wearing face mask due to coronavirus emergency. Young woman sitting in class with their classmates and wearing surgical mask due to Covid-19 pandemic. Focused girl studying in classroom completing assignment during corona virus.

Fund Georgia’s Future released a response last Friday regarding Georgia Governor, Brian Kemp’s letter to the (Georgia) State Board of Education and the State Board’s resolution change regarding the teaching of critical race theory in Georgia schools.

The letter goes against Kemp’s statements on critical race theory and also goes against the assertion that critical race theory would divide students and cause students to see themselves in terms of being “victims or oppressors”.

While Fund Georgia’s Future response did agree with Gov. Kemp’s overall point of providing the best education possible for all students, it also described how Gov. Kemp plays a role in Georgia schools being underfunded, which makes it harder for Georgia students to have a more equitable experience.

“Over $10 billion has been cut from K-12 education simply in the last two decades alone. Georgia currently stands $383 million behind in meeting minimal educational funding at the writing of this letter.”

Near the end of Fund Georgia’s Future response, in bold letters, it talked about rejecting Gov. Kemp’s position on the matter.

Simply put, until the Governor puts forth a good faith effort to actually adequately fund our schools, we simply reject any position he may take on the nature of what is taught within those same schools.

Fund Georgia’s Future describes themselves as a “coalition working to create a just public educational system with fair and full funding,” as can be seen on their Twitter page.

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