In true fashion, Donald Trump took to Twitter today to let the world know that a new Coronavirus relief package wouldn’t come until after the November 3rd election. This decision has the possibility of being a hurdle to the thousands of K-12 schools who are depending on the aid from Washington to operate during the COVID-19 pandemic.
In the last eight months, K-12 schools have looked to Washington to help as schools have attempted to reopen safely, provide PPE, provide school lunches, provide internet access to millions of children, and more as they attempted to mitigate the effects of a pandemic that has ravaged schools and communities. In late March, President Trump signed the $13 billion in aid from the CARES act, but that has not been enough.
With tweets starting this morning, Trump insinuated that he told his administration to stop negotiation with Congress. Adding to his tweets he said, “immediately after I win” he would then continue talks with a relief package that focused on “hardworking Americans and small businesses.”
Not stopping, he did say that his priority would be that Senate confirms his nominee to the United States Supreme court. Trump’s tweets are significant as many schools are worried about their funding as states attempt to reopen to further stimulate the economy.