With the passing of SB 233, it is noteworthy to highlight the additions to the substitutions and three amendments added before the bill was passed.
The SB 233 includes several substitutes, including- the amount per student per year was changed from $6,000 to $6,500, dual enrollment was clarified, and funds can only be used for core courses, parents must reside in the state of Georgia for one year, students who accept the voucher cannot participate in the special needs scholarship program, a participating school must be located in Georgia, and participating students are annually administered a statewide assessment, which shall be made available by the resident local school system, and the bottom 25th percentile of schools does not include alternative schools.
In addition, there were three amendments to the substitute, including the administrative year for the bill would be July 1, 2023, and the effective date was moved to July 1, 2024. There was language added that parents agree to provide an education in reading, grammar, math, social studies, and science. They can enroll in any public school but can enroll part-time in a college and career academy. Also, students must be currently and continuously enrolled in a public school for at least two enrollment counts, with an annual statewide assessment administrated in grades in which the school system gives the test.