Education in Atlanta is a equity-led newsroom committed to covering one of Atlanta’s most underreported stories: the effort to improve schools for all children within the metro Atlanta area, especially those who have been disenfranchised to quality education due to race, socioeconomics or disability. We are focused on a mission that believes that a child’s education should not be incumbent on their zip code. To make sure that our work stays authentic, we value the stories of teachers, parents, administrators, community members, and students.
Education in Atlanta is produced by a team of committed writers, editors, and community activists focused on reporting about education to underserved communities in and around the Atlanta area. Founded as an incubator of innovation from The Educator’s Room in 2018, our goal is to make sense of all of the education noise in the area and make sense of it for the community that makes the metro Atlanta area special.

Because we believe that education in Atlanta is nuanced, we report from all areas of the metro Atlanta area- including the 14 metro area counties that encompass over 50 municipalities and the metro area spans nearly 50 miles in all directions.
In making sure that we’re transparent about our resources our support will be varied, including sponsors and donors. Despite us accepting both sponsors and donors, we are dedicated to making sure that the stories we tell are authentic and unique to what metro area teachers, parents, and students go through.
Education in Atlanta follows the standards set by the Institute for Nonprofit News, including disclosing our largest donors which include:
- We are committed to transparency in every aspect of funding our organization.
- Accepting financial support does not mean we endorse donors or their products, services or opinions.
- We accept gifts, grants and sponsorships from individuals, organizations and foundations to help with our general operations, coverage of specific topics, and special projects.
- Our news judgments are made independently – not based on or influenced by donors. We do not give supporters the rights to assign, review or edit content.
At Education in Atlanta we value three basic core principles:
An equitable education is a right of all children in Atlanta: This education should be relevant, timely, and engrossed in making sure our students are prepared for the post-secondary world. We believe that all students have within themselves unique capacities for learning and achievement. The learning program provides opportunities for students to achieve their highest academic levels.
Our authenticity is of the utmost importance: As teachers, parents, and community members, it’s critical that we investigate and write about topics that discuss hidden nuances that affect our children in the metro Atlanta area and ethically report on them.
We live in the communities we write about: All of our team lives in the metro Atlanta area and because of that, we hear the stories parents are discussing whether it’s over tea at our local eateries on from having conversations with school leaders. Our goal is to not only cover events and the intricate issue facing our schools, but we also cover local institutions, people and systems.
Commitment to Diversity: We write about students and communities who are commonly affected by school reform, but have historically lacked the voice in hopes of amplifying their voice and empowering them to tell their stories.