On Thursday the State Board of Education approved Governor Kemp and State Superintendent’s recommendation to provide a one-time, $1,000 bonus payment to every public school teacher and support personnel. This bonus, provided by federal stimulus, is a good faith effort that helps with the ability to recruit teachers and retention of talent as educators have been on the front lines of battling COVID-19 during this pandemic.
The state will use the state reserve portion of the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) federal stimulus funds to provide the bonuses under the Biden Administration. These funds are intended to address statewide needs related to the COVID-19 pandemic and public schools.
“These bonuses are intended to thank all public-school employees – from the teacher who found new ways to reach a classroom of students, to the bus driver who kept those students safe on the way to school,” Superintendent Woods said. “We want to ensure these hard-working employees are recognized for their above-and-beyond efforts and we want them to stay in public education for the benefit of the students they serve.”
These payments will go to teachers and education support personnel in Georgia’s K-12 public schools, including – but not limited to – teachers, paraprofessionals, school counselors, school psychologists, school nurses, custodians, bus drivers, school nutrition staff, media specialists, clerical staff and administrative assistants, school principals, assistant principals, instructional coaches, therapists, and long-term substitutes. There is a separate bonus for Pre-K educators is being provided by the Department of Early Care and Learning (DECAL).
School districts will receive a specific listing of eligible job codes along with funding for all eligible employees. To watch the live streamed State Board meeting, click here.