Georgia lawmakers propose Pay Cuts for Gwinnett School Board over superintendent firings

A group of Georgia legislators has introduced a bipartisan bill that would significantly reduce the pay of Gwinnett County school board members if they terminate another superintendent without cause. House Bill 767 proposes cutting board members’ compensation to $50 per meeting until any resulting superintendent buyout is fully paid. “We’re paying someone $1.3 million not…

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superintendent search

Rockdale County Superintendent Dr. Terry Oatts Announces Retirement

Rockdale County Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Terry Oatts has announced his retirement, effective February 14, 2025, after the board went into an executive session on Thursday night (Feb. 13 to discuss land, legal, and human resource matters. The Rockdale County Board of Education has accepted Dr. Oatts’ retirement and appointed Chief Academic Officer Shirley Chesser…

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